Student Solution


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1 Course

2 Subjects

6-2 SWOT Analysis

6-2 SWOT Analysis

Q Overview A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis is an effective tool for making marketing decisions and continually evaluating the marketplace to determine if adjustments should be made to a marketing plan. For this assignment, you will complete a SWOT analysis. You may do the analysis in the form of an interactive or in the form of a quiz. You only need to complete one version of the SWOT analysis. Then, you will reflect on what you learned from doing the SWOT analysis by responding to some questions. Prompt Complete one version of the SWOT analysis simulation. The interactive and the quiz themselves are non-graded tools to help you experience a SWOT analysis. You will be graded based on the Module Six SWOT Analysis Rubric. • SWOT Analysis Interactive • SWOT Analysis Quiz Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: • Name the SWOT analysis version that you completed. Reflect on your experience with completing a simulation of a SWOT analysis by answering the questions provided below. o Which category (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats) of the analysis simulation was the most challenging for you? o What have you now learned that will help you better identify items that belong in that category in the future? o Which category of a SWOT analysis do you think marketers may tend to overlook most often, and why? o What are at least two potential negative impacts of failing to consider the often overlooked category you’ve just identified? Guidelines for Submission Submit your assignment as a Word document that contains a 1- to 3-sentence response per rubric criterion. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

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I chose to complete the SWOT Analysis Quiz. I found most of it challenging, but I had the hardest time between threat and weakness. I kept mixing the two up and wasn’t able to learn the difference until the end when I got to look at the overview portion. I was able to learn that threats are external factors and weaknesses are internal factors. In the future, I will be able to decipher between the two and choose correctly between the two options. I think that marketers might overlook their strengths because they are busy looking at future opportunities and the potential threats that could be created and the weaknesses that they already have.